Apple King's Interactive Crossword Puzzle Maker


User's informations

Below you can see where the user has an active, public, non-expired crossword puzzles, in descending chronological order.

  • THEAPPLEKING® is a 12 years old, N/A user, from Apple Garden.
    THEAPPLEKING® is a (The Apple King, registered user since November 19, 2011.
Current Rank Best Rank Golden Apples Top Golden Apples
#1 #1 100 100
September 23, 2011 September 23, 2011
  • WARNING! The hidden, private or unpublic crossword puzzles not be listed, so they will not show the table of search results.

  THEAPPLEKING®'s Crossword Puzzles (in chronlogical order)

Share Created Expired Solution User Statistic Actions
Share March 4, 2016 23:11 Never expired 8 characters THEAPPLEKING® 649 / 1 PublicCommentSecret message
Share February 7, 2014 21:05 Never expired 14 characters THEAPPLEKING® 1.27K / 4 PublicCommentSecret message
Share February 7, 2014 21:02 Never expired 12 characters THEAPPLEKING® 1.48K / 7 PublicCommentSecret message

Results: 3